Contoh Soal Tes AcEPT UGM

Soal-soal pada tes AcEPT UGM yang diujikan ada sejumlah 120 soal yang terbagi dalam 5 parts, yaitu:




Jumlah Soal

Alokasi Waktu




15 menit




10 menit


Grammar and Structure


20 menit


Reading Comprehension


25 menit


Composing Skills


30 menit


120 soal

100 menit


Berikut adalah contoh soal pada tes AcEPT UGM terbaru:

1.    Soal Soal AcEPT UGM - Listening AcEPT

Pada subtes ini terdapat 2 skills yang diujikan;

(1)  Soal AcEPT UGM - Listening (Short Dialog):

Contoh soal:


(2)  Soal AcEPT UGM - Listening (Monologue):

Contoh Soal:

2.    Soal AcEPT UGM - Vocabulary AcEPT UGM

Pada subtes ini terdapat 2 skills yang diujikan;

(1)   Soal AcEPT UGM - Vocabulary (Cloze Test)

 Contoh Soal:


Most solid matter is (1) .................... of crystals. Table salt and sugar are perhaps the most obviously crystalline substances in common use, but even substances (2) .................... clay and steel are made up of crystals. It is often difficult to recognize that a substance is crystalline; the basic regularity of its true form is frequently masked because a number of minute crystals (3) ................... to produce no particular shape. Many minerals, however, crystallize in nature in set (4) ................... and well-formed crystals can be grown (5) ...................


1.  (A) classified      (B) composed          (C) consisted (D) arranged


2.  (A) such as        (B) example  (C) alike             (D) i.e. (that is)

3.  (A) aggregate     (B) separate  (C) transfer        (D) remove

4.  (A) sizes  (B) weights              (C) shapes         (D) colors


5.  (A) naturally       (B) specifically         (C) commonly          (D) artificially


(2)   Soal AcEPT UGM - Vocabulary (Collocation)

 Contoh Soal:


1.    Indonesian leadership would be ................... the test when Myanmar wrapped up its first election in two decades late this year.

A. taken in

B. put to

C. sit in

D. faced off


2.    A member of the House of Representatives' commissions overseeing legal affairs said the Attorney General move to ...................  a case review was against the law.

A. propose

B. file

C. sue

D. report


3.    Soal AcEPT UGM - Grammar and Sturcture

Pada subtes ini terdapat 3 skills yang diujikan;


(1)  Soal AcEPT UGM - Grammar and Structure (Sentence Completion)

Contoh Soal:


1.    East Liverpool, Ohio, ...................  the pottery capital of the United States.

A.  and called

B.  is called

C.  calling

D.  to call


2. Under the guidance of choreographers, Martha Graham and Jerome Robbins, American dance ...................  new levels of artistic achievement.

A.    reaching

B.    has reached

C.   reach

D.  have reached


(2)   Soal AcEPT UGM - Grammar and Structure (Cloze Test)

 Contoh Soal:


Cancer research is a jigsaw puzzle. In recent years more pieces (1) ...................   but we are still looking for the centre piece. Maybe when all these other pieces fit together, we will be able to visualize the whole picture," says a Chinese woman gynecologist. (2) ...................   man, since pre-historic times, has been prey to the disease it is only in the last 50 years that scientists have begun to make sense out of the clues they are collecting. The trouble is that cancer is not one disease (3) ...................  several. There are different types of cancer and each requires a different treatment. All have one thing in common: the uncontrolled behavior of cells that have ceased to work normally. The human body is a marvelous factory so organized that while a child grows it (4) ...................   additional cells. Once the child grows to (5) ................... the system stabilizes producing extra cells only to replace cells damaged or destroyed by illness or injury.


1.    (A) have found

(B) have been found

(C) had been found

(D) would have been found


2.    (A) Because

(B) Whether

(C) Although

(D) If


3.    (A) and

(B) so

(C) or

(D) but


4.    (A) manufacture

(B) manufacturing

(C) manufactured

(D) manufactures


5.    (A) adult

(B) adolescence

(C) adulthood

(D) adolescent


(3)  Soal AcEPT UGM - Grammar and Structure (Error Identification)

Contoh Soal:


1. Users of the firm's telephone must be accurate [A] when dialing, make their conversations precise [B] and to the point, but they must also have a pleasant but professional [C] manner which will creative [D] a good public image.


2.    Sylvia and Harry [A] whom we know them [B] well celebrated their [C]

fifteenth wedding anniversary at a mountain resort and some' of their friends [D] were at the resort for the whole weekend.


4.    Soal AcEPT UGM - Reading Comprehension 

Contoh Soal:


One of the first principles in advertising is that it is limited in both time and space.  Television and radio commercials are usually only 10 to 60 seconds long.  Print ads are usually no larger than two pages and usually much smaller. Therefore, an advertisement must do its job quickly, it must get the consumers attention, identify the product and deliver the seller's messages in a short time or limited space.  In order to do this, advertising often breaks the rules of grammar, images and even society.

The second basic point is that advertisements usually have two parts; copy and illustrations. Copy refers to the word in the advertisement. These words give the sales message. Illustrations are the picture or photograph.  Most ads are a combination of copy and illustrations.

The decision about how much copy and illustration to use depends on how the advertiser wants to present the sales messages.  Understanding how advertisers make this decision is complex. First, we must understand how human being process or work with information because we do not process all kinds of information in the same way.  We process some kinds of information in order to understand it. On the other hand, we process other kinds of information emotionally.  This means that we use feelings rather than thinking to understand the information.  As there are two kinds of mental process, there are also two basic ways of presenting a sales message:  intellectually and emotionally. An intellectual

What made Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" a No. 1 hit on Billboard's Hot   I00 in 1983.  And other songs, like Madonna's   1999 "Nothing Really Matters" flounder at 90 or below? New research from the University of Southern California suggests that back-up singers may finally be getting their due.

Joseph Nunes, professor of marketing at the USC Marshall School of Business, together with doctoral candidates at the USC Thornton   School of Music.  analyzed thousands of songs from Billboard magazine's Hot 100 list to determine which combination of instruments and vocals comprised the most popular songs in the United States over the past 55 years. The Billboard Hot 100 list began compiling hit singles in 1958.

The researchers found two combinations of core instruments and vocals most often present in No. 1 hit songs, like Prince's "Kiss" (1986) and Jay Z's "Hey Papi" (2000):  1) background vocals, synthesizer and clean guitar, 2) background vocals, synthesizer and distorted electric guitar.

The core instruments that identified songs unable to move above No.  90, such as Aretha Franklin's "Try a Little Tenderness" (1962) and Talking Heads' "Once in a Lifetime" (1986), fell into one of three combinations of core instruments:   1) acoustic guitar, acoustic piano and no strings, 2) clean guitar and acoustic piano, 3) bass guitar, synthesizer and no electric piano.

Even if other instruments were added to these core instruments. It did not change their likelihood of being at the top, or lingering at the bottom.


1.    What does the text mainly discuss?

A.    Michael Jackson’s Hall of fame.

B.    Back-up singer factor is the success of the hit songs.

C.   Billboard Magazine Hot 100 list.

D.   Combinations of core instrument.


2.    Which of the following statement is true?

A.    The popularity of Madonna surprised Michael Jakson's

B.    All Michael Jackson's songs become the big songs in the list.

C.   Back-up singers was proven to have boosted the popularity of Michael Jackson.

D.   Nothing Reality Matter was more popular than Billie Jean.


3. According to the text. which of the following constitutes the most effective combination?

A.    Background vocals and synthesizer.

B.    Background vocals and clean guitar

C.   Clean guitar and distorted electric guitar

D.   Synthesizers and distorted electric guitar


5.    Soal AcEPT UGM - Composing Skills

Pada subtes ini terdapat 5 skills yang diujikan;


(1)  Soal AcEPT UGM - Composing Skills (Paraphrase)

Contoh Soal:


1.    We didn’t go on holiday last year because we didn’t have enough money.

A. If we hadn’t had enough money, we wouldn’t have gone on holiday last year.

B. If we had had enough money, we would have gone on holiday last year.

C. If we hadn’t had enough money, we would have gone on holiday last year.

D. Unless we had enough money, we would go on holiday last year.


2.    People protesting against pollution are marching to London.

A. People who protest against pollution are marching to London.

B. People who protests against pollution are marching to London.

C. People who protesting against pollution are marching to London.

D. People protect pollution are marching to London.


(2)  Soal AcEPT UGM - Composing Skills (Editing)

Contoh Soal:


1.    My mother wanted to bake my father a wonderful cake for his birthday, but there

weren’t enough sugar to prepare it properly.

A. there weren’t enough sugar to prepare

B. there was no enough sugar for preparing

C. not enough sugar was for preparing

D. there wasn’t enough sugar to prepare

2.    Mark Antony is a famous Latin singer, he is also married to Jennifer Lopez.

A. singer, he is also married to

B. singer because he is married too with

C. singer which happens to also be married to

D. singer, he is happily married with


(3)  Soal AcEPT UGM - Composing Skills (Appropriate Sentence)

Contoh Soal:


1.    (A) She is the only professor who does what it takes to help her students learn  


(B) She is the only professor who do what it takes to help her students learn joyfully.      

(C) She is a professor who do what it takes to help her students learn joyfully.      

(D) She is one of many professors who does what it takes to help her students

     learn joyfully.


2. (A) It is us who must decide whether to tax ourselves or cut spending.      

    (B) It is us whom must decide whether to tax ourselves or cut spending.      

    (C) It is we who must decide whether to tax ourselves or cut spending.      

    (D) It is we whom must decide whether to tax ourselves or cut spending.

(4)  Soal AcEPT UGM - Composing Skills (Rearranging Sentence)


Contoh Soal1:


(1)  There is a research question that mentions an 11-year-old boy being fostered by several families as an example.

(2)  He also went to several schools.

(3)  The school's performance is not very good.

(4)  The final result is to send him to his relatives, let him get better care.

(5)  Such consequences are hard to integrate into society.


A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5


Contoh Soal 2:


(1)  Vegetarian diet is not eating meat, (very good looking, only this phrase without pronoun).

(2)  Such a diet If unreasonable balance may not be healthy.

(3)  Restaurant and canteens to improve the dishes, to meet these requirements.

(4)  Many non vegetarians are also attracted to eat.

(5)  These improvement is attributed to vegetarians.


A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5


(5)  Soal AcEPT UGM - Composing Skills (Jumbled Sentence)


Contoh Soal 1:


(1)  They assume that they're using their shareholders' resources efficiently if the company's performance, especially ROE and earnings per share-is good and if the shareholders don't rebel.

(2)  The top executives of the large, mature, publicly held companies hold the conventional view when they stop to think of the equity owners' welfare.

(3)  So companies investing well grow, enriching themselves and shareholders alike, and ensure competitiveness; companies investing poorly shrink, resulting, perhaps, in the replacement of management.

(4)  In short, stock market performance and the company's financial performance are inexorably linked.

(5)  They assume that the stock market automatically penalizes any corporation that invests its resources poorly.


A. 2-3-5-4-1

B. 2-4-5-1-3

C. 5-3-4-1-2

D. 5-1-3-4-2


Contoh Soal 2:


(1)  By contrast, not everyone becomes proficient at complex mathematical reasoning, few people learn to paint well, and many people cannot carry a tune.

(2)  But just the opposite is true - language is one of the most complex of all human cognitive abilities.

(3)  For one thing, the use of language is universal - all normally developing children learn to speak at least one language, and many learn more than one.

(4)  It is wrong, however, to exaggerate the similarity between language and other cognitive skills, because language stands apart in several ways.

(5)  Because everyone is capable of learning to speak and understand language, it may seem to be simple.


A. 2-3-5-4-1

B. 2-4-5-1-3

C. 4-3-5-1-2

D. 4-1-5-3-2







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Gamada LC telah berpengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun membantu belasan ribu peserta lulus AcEPT dan menjadi mahasiswa Internasional Undergraduate Program di UGM, lolos menjadi mahasiswa pascasarjana bahkan sudah banyak yang mendapat gelar master dan doktor.

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